CSR News

Presentation Ceremony of ECFix ICT Scholarship 2018-2019

ECFix Scholarship Award Scheme has consistently supported the secondary school student to study ICT subject since 2017 as a part of our continual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. Total of 123 students from 40 schools has been awarded our ICT Scholarship.

Thank you for the support of Christian Action and ASK IT Limited. Our Presentation Ceremony of ECFix ICT Scholarship 2018-2019 was held in the Head Office of Christian Action on 8 Jul 2019. We received 18 school applications and 33 students from 10 secondary schools were sponsored finally. The awarded schools are listed below.

Ling Liang Church MHLau Secondary School
Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
Pui Kiu College
Immaculate Heart of Mary College
Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College
Stewards Pooi Kei College
Diocesan Girls’ School
Hong Kong True Light College
Po Leung Kuk Lo Kit Sing (1983) College

We were pleased to invite Ms. Pauline Wong, Head of Corporate Development and Communications Division of Christian Action to provide a sharing and tour of their Digital Learning Center and Mr. Peter Cheung, Consultant of Hatter Company Limited to deliver a sharing about the Future of ICT as a part of our ceremony activities. It was a great chance for all of us to share the joy of being awarded, learn from each other and grab opportunities for future development.

We forecast that there will be a high talent demand for the ICT industry. We hope our Scholarship will encourage the students to further study ICT subject and provide a communication platform for the schools and the IT business to work together in ICT development. Our power is small, but we believe many a little makes a mickle.


may lam

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